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overcoming the flu

Getting the flu can be a downer. It means you must isolate yourself at home to avoid spreading the germs all around your loved ones. It can spread to your children who may need to miss school and even see the doctor if the symptoms become worse. Don’t let the flu take control of your life. Fight back and take a few preventative measures to avoid catching the flu.

While the flu is a downer on its own there are a few things you can do to fight the flu this winter season:

The flu vaccine:

Getting the flu vaccine is an excellent way to protect yourself from the flu germs. When you vaccinate yourself, you are just not protecting your health but those around you as well. There is less of a chance when it comes to catching the flu and spreading it through your household.

Washing your hands:

By washing your hands often, you are putting up a defence against the flu virus as well as the common cold germs. The vaccine is not bulletproof and will only protect you from certain strains of the flu virus. It takes two weeks to build an immunity to the vaccine so in the meantime hand washing is very important to protect yourself against germs for other infections that there is currently no vaccine for like a common cold. Washing your hands is easy to do and doesn’t cost an arm and leg. Get into the habit of washing your hands when you return home from work or school or other places where you have been around items other people have been touching.

Sometimes people can be infected with the flu virus days before they develop the symptoms, so washing your hands often can help to keep the germs away. Common symptoms of the flu are headaches, sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. If you see someone with these symptoms, stay away from them and wash your hands if you have shaken their hand or touched something of theirs.

Your eyes, nose, mouth and ears are a good spot for germs to enter the body. Just by putting your finger in your ear or your mouth can infect you with the virus.


Eating well:


It doesn’t matter whether you already have the flu or not; it is essential to eat a healthy diet loaded with fresh fruit and veggies. Having a sound immune system and a healthy body can help ward off flu symptoms and will aid in a faster recovery.

You want to be eating plenty of foods that boost your immune system, such as:

Flaxseeds, walnuts




And foods high in vitamin c such as:







Keeping your fluid levels up:

You need to drink plenty of fluids when you have the flu. The reason is when you have symptoms like a runny nose, sweating and fevers, they will drain the water levels in your body, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can cause other health problems, so be sure to keep hydrated as much as you can.

Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks as these will dehydrate you more. Sipping warm lemon drinks can be beneficial and help to soothe sore throats. If you are dehydrated, your body won’t be able to function correctly, therefore, cannot adequately defend itself against the flu.

Getting enough sleep:

Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential for maintaining a robust immune system, this is your best defence for fighting off the flu virus. When you don’t get the right amount of sleep, the protective proteins cytokines are decreased, which are needed to fight infections.

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